Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 22 Mar 2006
A 2 yrs child has swallowed Mercury collected from a broken thermometer.What is the management and anticipated problems?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Mercury thermometers contain elemental mercury. Fortunately, elemental mercury from a thermometer is not well absorbed from the stomach and will pass into the stools if swallowed. Elemental mercury is also not well absorbed from the skin. Spills on carpets or cracked surfaces can be dangerous as the liquid mercury is slowly converted to a poisonous vapour over days to weeks. Thus, mercury vapour is dangerous.
19 years ago
Dr. Anand Shandilya
Mercury swalloed is harmless . Only the broken glass can lead to injury. If aspirated the mercury can cause problems
19 years ago
Guruprasad T M
Elemental mercury has poor GI absorption and, therefore, oral or rectal exposure to elemental mercury from a thermometer should have no toxic effect. mercury is passed, essentially unabsorbed, through the GI tract and expelled in the feces.
Inhalation of elemental mercury vapors is the main cause of toxicity, as mercury is well absorbed by the lungs.
no treatment is needed usually.

19 years ago
mercury in its pure form is not poisonous and if impure the dose is not sufficient to cause full blown aute mercury poisoning.alley the anxiety and worries of parents give universal antidote followed by gastric lavage to baby and observe
19 years ago
wash stomach
19 years ago

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