Drug Index

Silver Sulphadiazine

Mechanism :

Silver sulfadiazine has broad antimicrobial activity. It is bactericidal for many gram- negative and gram-positive bacteria as well as being effective against yeast

Indication :

  • Burn wounds
  • Leg ulcers
  • Pressure sores
  • Skin graft donor sites
  • Finger-tip injuries

Contraindications :

Silver sulfadiazine cream is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to silver sulfadiazine or any of the other ingredients in the preparation, in pregnant women approaching or at term, on premature infants, or on newborn infants during the first 2 months of life.

Dosing :

Not recommended in infants <2 months as sulfonamides may cause kernicterus.
After cleaning the wound apply cream (1%) over at affected areas to a depth of 3-5 mm, using a sterile gloved hand or sterile spatula. Re-apply at least every 24 hours or more frequently if the volume of exudates is large. In infants >2 months apply to a depth of 1.6 mm.

Adverse Effect :

Local reactions such as burning, itching and skin rash may occur. Leucopenia is seen often. Other infrequently occurring events include skin necrosis, erythema multiforme, skin discoloration, burning sensation, rashes, and interstitial nephritis.

Interaction :

In large-area burns where serum sulfadiazine levels may approach therapeutic levels, it should be noted that the effects of systemically administered drugs might be altered.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/15/2024 02:30:38 Silver Sulphadiazine
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