Drug Index

Methyl Cellulose

Mechanism :

It is an agent used as an intraocular preparation for the use of delivering fluid in the case of dry eyes. It is also used in operations like cataract surgery, keratoplasty and IOL implantation.

Indication :

  • Control or colostomy
  • Ileostomy, Management of diverticular disease
  • Simple constipation
  • Appetite management as an aid to management of obesity.

Contraindications :

Do not use in conditions where there is believed to be a pathological cause of diarrhea which would render the condition unsuitable for symptomatic medical treatment e.g. infective bowel disease or bowel obstruction.

Dosing :

Do not take immediately before going to bed.
6-12 years:
500 mg PO upto 6 times a day. Max: 3 g a day. Give 1 g in 8 oz of cold water. May increase to 2 g every 8 hours.
>12 years:
1 g PO upto 6 times a day. Max: 6 g a day.

Adverse Effect :

Do not use in conditions where there is believed to be a pathological cause of diarrhea which would render the condition unsuitable for symptomatic medical treatment e.g. infective bowel disease or bowel obstruction.

Flatulence, impaction, excessive bowel activity, rise in intraocular pressure, postoperatively- corneal edema and corneal decompensation.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/04/2024 06:02:19 Methyl Cellulose
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