Pandora of Differentials for a Pediatrician. #PediatricOncall #PediatricCase #Casestudy #Journal

print 10/03/2024 03:14:10 A six-month old male infant presented with first episode of cough for one day without fever. He was active, feeding well and playful. On examination, he had tachypnea (respiratory rate was 66/min), subcostal retractions and bilateral diffuse wheeze. Clinical diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis was made, and child was treated symptomatically with oxygen and nebulization with hypertonic saline for 2 days. Complete blood count, C-reactive protein were normal, while chest X-ray showed diffuse opacity on left side. A possibility of congenital lung malformation or enlarged thymus or cyst was kept. CT chest showed a well-defined, soft tissue density, homogenous mass in anterior mediastinum measuring 3.6x5.3x5.1 cm and was not causing any compression of bronchovascular structures.

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PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members.

Pandora of Differentials for a Pediatrician. #PediatricOncall #PediatricCase #Casestudy #Journal

A six-month old male infant presented with first episode of cough for one day without fever. He was active, feeding well and playful. On examination, he had tachypnea (respiratory rate was 66/min), subcostal retractions and bilateral diffuse wheeze. Clinical diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis was made, and child was treated symptomatically with oxygen and nebulization with hypertonic saline for 2 days. Complete blood count, C-reactive protein were normal, while chest X-ray showed diffuse opacity on left side. A possibility of congenital lung malformation or enlarged thymus or cyst was kept. CT chest showed a well-defined, soft tissue density, homogenous mass in anterior mediastinum measuring 3.6x5.3x5.1 cm and was not causing any compression of bronchovascular structures.

What could be the diagnosis?

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PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members.
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