Ana Rita de Matos Ramos1, Odete Madalena Rodrigues Mingas2, Maria Filomena Peres Lourenço Cardosa3, Maria da Graça Gomes Cantante Nogueira dos Santos2, Luís Miguel Estrade Abecasis2 1Department of Paediatrics, Hospital Garcia de Orta E.P.E, Almada, Portugal, 2Hospital de Santa Cruz, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental E.P.E, Carnaxide, Portugal, 3Department of Paediatrics, Hospital Garcia de Orta E.P.E., Almada, Portugal
Address for Correspondence: Avenida Torrado da Silva, 2805-267, Almada, 000000, PORTUGAL Email:
Discussion :
Sternal clefts are a rare congenital malformation, with an incidence of <0.15%, that results from a failure in the fusion of the sternal bands at an early stage of embryonic development. 1,2 It may present isolated (27%) or be associated with other malformations (73%) such as hemangiomas, PHACES syndrome, cantrell pentade, abdominal raphe or cardiovascular abnormalities. 3,4 When associated with cardiac abnormalities, the prognosis may be unfavorable. 1 Patients are usually asymptomatic in the neonatal period. On physical examination, a paradoxical midline thoracic bulging with protrusion of the mediastinal viscera during expiration may be seen. If not timely diagnosed and treated, respiratory symptoms (dyspnea and cough), impaired gas exchange or lung infections may arise. 4,5
Surgical correction is therefore recommended and should be performed early because the greater sternal plasticity allows for primary closure without the use of autologous grafts/prosthetic material. 1 Indications for surgery are not only cosmetic but also for the improvement of respiratory dynamics, protection of mediastinal structures from direct injury and positive impact on growth. 6References : | - Zamfir C, Zamfirescu A, Tanase C, et al. Sternal cleft e A rare congenital malformation. J Ped Surg Case Reports 2014;2:97-100.
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- Ramdial S, Pillay D, Madaree A. Primary Closure of A Sternal Cleft in A Neonate. World J Plast Surg 2016;5:308-312.
- Klein T, Kellner M, Boemers T, et al. Surgical Repair of a Superior Sternal Cleft in an Infant. Eur J Pediatr Surg Rep 2015;3:64-67.
- Torre M, Rapuzzia G, Carlucci M, et al. Phenotypic spectrum and management of sternal cleft: literature review and presentation of a new series. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2012; 41:4-9.
- Dumitrescu A, Ryan C, Green A. Sternal Cleft Malformation in a Newborn. BMJ Case Rep 2017;2:1-2.
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