Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Nov 2012
why is it advice to do hb electrophoresis after 3 months of blood transfusion
Expert Answer :
Blood Transfusion in a suspected beta Thalassaemia Major affects the HbF measurement on Hb electrophoresis. This is due to correction of anaemia and loss of hypoxic stimulus to Bone Marrow resulting in transient relative BM suppression in the setting of a hemolytic anaemia. The F rich Red Blood cell are the one responsible for high HBF in thalassaemia due to their prolonged survival. Their overall production drops resulting in erroneously low HbF on Hb electrophoresis. Besides there is dilutional effect due to Blood Tx. These effects takes at least 3 mths to negate. Hence it is prudent to wait for atleast 3 mths before asking for Hb Electrophoresis. Most clinicians familiar with Thalassaemia diagnosis and management would share their experience that sometimes even 3 mths after Tx the Hbf is in non diagnostic range.
Answer Discussion :
because the life span of RBCs is 3 months ,so the transfused blood RBCs will replaced by patient owen blood in which the test give result
12 years ago
jayshree patel
because blood products changes due to blood transfusion and half life of RBCs is 120 days so , for correct diagnosis it is advised after 3 mnths
12 years ago
SAJJAD saneeq
Gower 1,2 and portland which has HbF like 3rd month Gower type disappears.
12 years ago
Ebenezer Lartey
Red blood cells have a lifespan of 90 to 120 days so after 3 months donor rbcs might have been destroyed and and electrophoretic picture will be more indicative of the patient
12 years ago
Rolando Lezama
Blood transfusions within the previous 12 weeks may alter test result.
12 years ago

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