Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 01 Jun 2007
What is the pathogenesis of air bronchogram? Is air bronchogram necessary for the diagnosis of consolidation?
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Answer Discussion :
Dr. Moosa Kutty
the air passage ie the bronchus which is radiolucent stands out from the consolidated radio-opaque lung.It is not a must for the diagnosis.
17 years ago
pramod m.kulkarni
air bronchogram shows prominent air containing bronchi on background of abnormally opaque surrounding and overlapping lung parenchyma.
This radiological opacity is due to increased density of lung parenchyma due eitherto consolidation-atelectasis.

17 years ago
air traping in the bronche
17 years ago
Intrapulmonary bronchi are not visible on normal CXR,because they contain air and are surrounded by alveolar air,and their walls are too thin to produce a significant shadow.Parenchymal consolidation may result in the visualiztion of these bronchi,since the air within their lumen will then stand out in contrast to fluid filled alveoli.This is called air bronchogram.
Air bronchogram is not always necessary to diagnose consolidation.

17 years ago
Dr.Amit Ray.
Air filled bronchi surrounded by atelectatic alveoli.

17 years ago

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