Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 Nov 2011
what is course and frequency of immunizing a baby whose mother is HbsAg plus _?
Expert Answer :
If mother is HBsAg positive{especially HBeAg positive}, baby should be given Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin {HBIG} within 24 hours of birth along with Hepatitis B Vaccine at 2 different sites. If HBIG not available {or unaffordable}, Hepatitis B Vaccine may be given at 0,1 and 2 months with an additional optional dose between 9-12 months.
Answer Discussion :
Ayesha Ather
giving hep B vaccine and Hepatitis B iMMUNOGLOBULIN at birth
13 years ago
ali mohamed
hepatitis vaccine and immunogloblulin after birth then hepatitis vaccin at age of 2` 4` 6 monthes
13 years ago
give birth dose to prevent prenatal transmission.afterword three doses 6wk 10wk 14wk
13 years ago
sangeeta bhandari
HbIg at 0 and vaccine at 0,2,4 and12 months.
13 years ago
vaidehi dande
at birth ,1mtnt ,2 mnth 6 mnths followed by checking the anti hbsag status,one more dose if inadequate antibody response is documented
13 years ago

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