Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Mar 2005
We have a case of neonatal thrombocytopenia. Mother HIV plus VE,totally asymptomatic except moderate splenomegaly and her patelet count 72000,mm,delivered be caserean. Baby brought for routine follow up on 2nd week of life. THROMBOCYTE count of baby was 52000,cumm. Baby called for follow up for every week. Count 50000 and 16,000 {sixteen thousand} respectively. Baby totally asymptomatic. PBS SHOWS GIANT PLATELETS BUT COAGULATION PROFILE NORMAL. WHAT SHOULD BE FURTHER plan of action? Should we transfuse the baby or give steroids?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
atef shafei
CD4-CD8 ratio

20 years ago
atef shafei
20 years ago
Pravin G. Patel
Platelet tranfusion to be given ,together with anti-retroviral medicines,

Steroids to be avoided

20 years ago
Thrombocytopenia is a known problem in HIV infected patients. The causes vary and include antiplatelet antibodies as in ITP, bone marrow suppression due to drugs, opportunistic infections and even by HIV virus itself. In most patients, antiplatelet antibodies would be positive.
Since the baby also has thrombocytopenia, it is most likely a neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Treatment would be the same as in a seronegative patient.

20 years ago

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