Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Oct 2012


Pl. give me guidelines reg. follow up of children

{vaccinated with 3 doses of Hep B} Of HEPATITIS B,

Positive{Hb s Agplus and Hb e Ag plus, _ } asymptomatic


Thank you,

Expert Answer :
If mother is HbSAg and HbEAg positive at the time of birth of this child, then there is high chance of this child being infected at birth. Ideally one should have given HB vaccine at birth along with HB immunoglobulin at other site if affordable and if not at least HB vaccine immediately at birth. If HB vaccine was administered later after birth, it may have been too late. Anyway one should order HbSAg for this child that would not be positive due to vaccine and if positive, it means that this child is infected at birth through maternal transmission. If this child is already infected then one could only follow this child periodically to detect onset of hepatitis if any. If lucky, this child may develop HbSAb - antibody to surface antigen acquired from mother and thus may clear infection. But if not, this child is likely to come out with disease.
Answer Discussion :
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