Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 Nov 2009
please let me know how to perform skin test before giving benzathane pencillin and how to interpret the result.
please let me know in detail
Expert Answer :
Prick testing is done first, and the results are read 15 to 20 minutes later. If the prick test findings are negative, intradermal testing is performed. Both prick and intradermal tests are done using diluted Penicillin G at a concentration of 10,000 u, ml, Pre-pen at full strength and minor determinant mixture if available. If there is no wheal formation test is positive. If there is no wheal, the test is negative and, up to 97 percent of patients will tolerate penicillin
Answer Discussion :
subcutaneos injection 1 ml and get cicle around site of inection
15 years ago
abdelsattar abdrabo
dissolve the vial of benzathine penciiin in 10 ml of normal saline and inject 0.1ml intra dermal wait and observe for 15-20 minutes if there is allergic reaction eg skin rash,any induration ,if so ,it reveals skin allergy.,if no reaction this means no skin penicillin allergy.
15 years ago
Hafiz Muhammad Akhtar
Atleast 2000 units of benzyl panicillin should be given intra dermally to elecit the sensitivity reaction.First asolution of B.Panicillin having concentration of 20000 units per ml is made.Then 0.1ml is given intradermally.If there is wheal formation within 20 minutes then the patient is said to be sensitive to this.
15 years ago

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