Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 09 Dec 2009
can i do a skin sensitivity test with benzatahane pencilin before injecting it. or the sensitivity test should be done by benzyl pencillin. thanks dr.ishtiaq
Expert Answer :
For penicillin skin testing the reagents used are:
Benzylpenicilloyl-polylysine {major pre-Pen G x 10-5 M}
Benzylpenicillin {10-2 M or 6000U, mL}
If available
Benzylpenicilacloic acid {10-2 M}
Benzylpenilloic Acid {10-2 M}
Positive control {histamin1e.0 mg, mL}
Negative control {buffered saline solution}

Dilute the antigen 100 s fold for preliminary testing if there has been an immediate generalized reaction within the past

Epicutaneous {scratch or prick} test with a drop of each reagent: examine for 15 minutes` if there is no significant
wheal {4 mm or greater} proceed to intra-dermal test.

Intradermal test: inject 0.02 mL intradermally with a 27-gauge short-bevelled needle` observe for 20 minutes

Conclusions are only possible if the negative control is negative and the positive control is positive.
Positive test: a wheal greater than 4 mm in mean diameter to any penicillin reagent` erythema must be present
Negative test: the wheals on the penicillin reagents are equivalent to the negative control
Inderterminate: all other results

Skin testing should be restricted to patients with a history of prior penicillin allergy for whom a penicillin or other B-lactam antibiotic is the indicated drug of choice and there is no suitable alternative antibiotic. There is no need to do skin testing prior to the treatment of patients without a history of penicillin allergy even if the drug is to be admin istered parenterally. If only benzylpenicillin is used for testing, a negative skin test does not ensure absence of an immediate reaction. Hence, in a patient with a good history of prior penicillin allergy, a test dose still needs to be given even if the skin test {using only benzylpenicillin} is negative.
Answer Discussion :
mangalmoorti bhalerao
sensitivity test should be done with benzathine penicillin .
15 years ago
ashraf deghedy
yes i can
15 years ago
Shantilal Vora
sensitivity test to be done with benzathane peniilline
15 years ago
Rajesh Ranjan
done with benzathine penicillin
15 years ago
sensitivity should be done by benzathine penicilline
15 years ago

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