Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Oct 2010
my patient 6 month old received combination of dptplushibplushepb1. after 3 days child develops swelling at the site of injection and after another 3 days the swelling develops redness. child is not having fever and active.

can you suggest what can be done for the child and for second dose should we advice parents to omit pertussis component.

waiting for your reply
Expert Answer :
Rule out cellulitis or infection due to the injection. It can occur with any infection and not due to the vaccine.
Answer Discussion :
saravanan pal
the child can be given second dose .care should be taken to give it i.m properly
14 years ago
Arvind Gupta
no pertussis is not omitted in next dose
14 years ago
ice fomentation for the swelling,
short antiinflammatory drug course.
give second dose as per schedule.
with aseptic precautions with the vaccine which was not Freezed

14 years ago
next dose can be given safely,anyways after 4 wks...was the technique in givig vaccine correct _?by mistake was it given s.c or id
14 years ago
tarek elsyed
14 years ago

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