Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 02 Oct 2001
My 2 half year old son may have a mild form of Spina Bifida. He was born with a tiny pit in the base of his spine, which two doctors have seen and dismissed as insignificant. At 6 wks. old he had surgery to repair a double hernia. At about 7 months, our family dr. noticed his head circumference was growing disportionately larger than the rest of his body, but an MRI ruled out hydrocephalus. His pinky fingers both curve inward, but a hand orthopedic specialist has said this is insignificant and that we should not try to treat it. He does have severe allergies and acid reflux. He has been on Zantac since 8 months and Zyrtec since 18 months. He is a "late speaker" and still is not speaking well, but is able to communicate with us. He has a history of sleeping problems. Lately he has been complaining of a "boo-boo" in his "butt, belly and pee-pee." There is nothing on the outside to indicate soreness. We noticed he has lost 5 lbs. in less than 4 mos., so our doctor ordered a series of lab tests that showed nothing. I have been searching for answers to his various problems since he was four months old, and would be most grateful for any advice.
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
eman ahmed
baby gram {x-ray}to r-o bone anomalies
contrast study of lower G.I.T,
bone marrow study.

23 years ago
Rule out VATER
23 years ago

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