Spot Diagnosis

Congenital hydrocephalus

Question :
This 2 month old presented with inability to hold the head even partially and a bulging anterior fontanelle. Child has no fever and is sucking well at the breast.

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
Congenital hydrocephalus. Aqueductal stenosis (narrowing) is the most frequent cause. Blockage of fourth ventricle outlet (Dandy Walker Syndrome) or Chiari malformations (in association with Spina Bifida) are other common causes of congenital hydrocephalus. Ultrasonography (USG), computerized Tomography (CT scan) or magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) will confirm the diagnosis; show the degree of ventricular enlargement, the site of the blockage and offending cause(s).

Correct Answers : yes  76%

Last Shown : Oct 2004
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