Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 02 Sep 2008
Is it necessary to gradually taper the dose of IV Aminophylline infusion before stopping, in the management of asthma in children?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Ahmed Fouad El-Taweil
No, it is not necessary as aminophylline cause no tolerance
16 years ago
no need for doing this, once we are giving the maintenance dose.
16 years ago
nikhil agrawal
yes , as there may be a rebound
16 years ago
Aminophylline infusion is required when the patient does not respond to frequent or continuous nebulization with salbutamol and IV or oral steroids. May be SC terbutaline may be given in severe spasm and the air entry reduced before aminophylline is started. Once aminophylline infusion is started and the patient improves it can be made to oral short acting preparation. This can be given for 5 - 7 days with monitoring for side effects and toxicity. once the patient improves the aminophlline may be stopped a d only inhaled salbutamol may be needed for further 10 - 14 days, with or without inhaled steroids depending on the patient characteristics.
Dr. C.T. Deshmukh

16 years ago

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