Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Jun 2006
How many days usually should a child stay at home before reentering a scholastic enviroment after an antibiotic IV therapy with a third generation cephalosporin and a Macrolid po, and how long after the therapy should an chest X ray be done to review the healing of the pneumonia? Thank you.
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Answer Discussion :
3 days to return to school-5 days to view repeat x ray n progress
18 years ago
muhammad Anwar Sajjad
pt can join school if afebrile , active even after 2 days . cxr can be repeated after3 -4 weeks.
18 years ago
Anitha reddi
can go to school immediately
cxr should be done 1mth later

18 years ago
There is no specific time for the same. It varies from patient to patient. If the patient is doing well clinically, one may do an Xray after the course of antibiotics is over to see if the lesion has healed. IF the child is not well, one may need to do an Xray earlier to decide if the antibiotics need to be changed. Usually rest for a walking pneumonia may be reuired for 7-10 days whereas for a severe penumonia, 10-14 days may be required.
18 years ago

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