Spot Diagnosis

Cystic bronchiectasis

Question :
A 5 ½ years old male presented with chronic cough. An HRCT of the chest was done.

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
The HRCT shows left sided cystic bronchiectasis with fibrosis with compensatory hypertrophy of right lung with shift of mediastinum to left side. Bronchiectasis in children can be due to bacterial pneumonia, Pertussis, adenovirus, endobronchial tuberculosis, immunodeficiencies, Cystic fibrosis, Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency, Immotile cilia syndrome, foreign body aspiration and autoimmune disorders. Chest physiotherapy and postural drainage are mainstays of treatment.

Correct Answers : yes  37%

Last Shown : Sep 2004
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