Diagnostic Dilemma

Jejunal dilatation

Case Report: - A 4½ year old girl born of non consanguineous marriage presented with recurrent episodes of projectile non bilious vomiting post feeding associated with abdominal distension for the past 1½ years. She had generalized edema since past 15 days, starting from limbs, involving the abdomen and face. She was admitted 4 times of the above complains and diagnosed to have subacute intestinal obstruction and treated with IV Fluids and managed conservatively.
On examination, she was malnourished {weight = 8.6 kg, height = 82 cm, head circumference = 44 cm, mid arm circumference = 12.2 cm} had anasarca, hyperpigmented scaly dermatosis over lower limbs, back, buttocks, hands and feet with angular cheilitis, conjunctival xerosis, ascitis and hypotonia. She was diagnosed as a case of protein energy malnutrition {PEM} with Kwashiorkar due to proximal jejunal dilation. Investigations showed:
• Barium meal follow through = Segmented jejunal dilation {_? Malrotation}
• CT abdomen = Jejunal dilation with pellets.

She had peritonitis and treated with IV antibiotics and ionotropes.

What is the cause of jejunal dilatation_?
Expert Opinion :
We thank all the users for their valuable comments. Though most have said it is malrotation, the CT abdomen did not show the same. However the child died subsequently due to aspiration pneumonia
Answer Discussion :
abdulmohsen awaad
15 years ago
Alexis Cochino
phytobezoar, trichobezoar
15 years ago

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