Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 15 Nov 2010
how do we calculate developmental quotient in achild with developmental delay
example : a 3 yr old with gross motor mile stone - sits without support , palmar grasp present
talks monosyllables, what will be the development quotient
is it based only on gross motor milestone , or is it different for each field or is it an average of all fields
Expert Answer :
Gesell development assessment assesses 5 areas of development and includes 1-12 items for each age. The 5 areas are adaptive, gross motor, fine motor, language and social. A Development quotient is computed for each area by the formula - maturity age level, chronological age X 100.
Answer Discussion :
Ashish Gamit
First u have to have developmental age for each 4 categories 1.Gross motor 2.Fine motor 3.Language 4.Perso-social , and then average of all 4 will be considered as DQ.
14 years ago
srinivas reddy
average of all fields
14 years ago
osama ebs
8mo developmwnt
14 years ago
P Venkatesh
Mental age, chronological age


14 years ago
different for each field... comment on which one is more affected
14 years ago

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