Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 Sep 2013
afemale 8y with stunted growth of 5y has alopecia-knock knee -vetiligo -skull xray silver beaten -lab norml
Expert Answer :
Information is inadequate to opine. Lab tests are planned onlny after provisional diagnosis and if there is no provisional diagnosis, what lab tests are ordered that are normal_? However in case of short stature, it is important to assess relation of chronological age with height age and bone age. It would offer a clue whether stunted growth is due to endocrine disorder, chondrodystrophy or constitutional or genetic short stature. Once we find out the group to which this child belongs, we need to fit in other symptoms and signs. Turner syndrome must be ruled out in every female with short stature. Knock knees and silver beaten appearence of skull suggest bony disorder. What about increased intracranial tension_? I suggest much more detailed information is necessary to opine on probable diagnosis. This is true in every undiagnosed case.
Answer Discussion :
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