Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 08 Oct 2013
how can we differentiate between asthama and recurrent ARI with wheezing in a two years old child
Expert Answer :
In a 2 year old child who has repeated wheeze with or without fever more than tree times in a year and has other atopic features like dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and family history of atop. The child responds well to bronchodilators can be considered as Asthma. If IgE level is high you can call it as Atopic Asthma if not Non atopic Asthma.

A child who gets wheeze with each episode of ARI {10 infections per year until 5 years of age} can be considered as persistent early onset wheezer. Their symptoms persist through school age and still present at the age of 12 year in large proportion of children. There is no history of atopy and no family history of atopy.
Answer Discussion :
No answer discussion available.

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