Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Jun 2024
How can I diagnose congenital hip dislocation clinically and radiologically and how can I differentiate it from other causes of delayed walking or causes of inability to move the lower limbs?
Expert Answer :
CDH is never a cause of delayed walking or inability to move the lower limbs. Both are neurological issues.
Answer Discussion :
Dfsa Ata
clinicaly by Ortolini test and other test name opposite the movement in ortolini test ,
gluteal fold ,and by length Discrepancy of lower limbs.
Radiology Showing abnormal hip joint picture

9 months ago
DrAhemad Pothiawala
to diagnose CDH, a combination of clinical tests (Ortolani, Barlow, Galeazzi) and imaging studies (ultrasound for infants <6 months, X-ray for older infants) is crucial. Differentiating from other causes of delayed walking involves assessing for neuromuscular, orthopedic, genetic, and metabolic conditions through targeted physical exams and appropriate diagnostic tests.
9 months ago
JOANNA bisqueracacpal
clinically- ortalani and barlow. radio- depends on age- can be xray or ultrasound
9 months ago
Sirikiran Reddy
9 months ago
Sirikiran Reddy
9 months ago

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