Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 Aug 2010
what care and follow up should be done to hepatitis C plusve mother neonate_?

many thanks
Expert Answer :
Determining the rate of vertical transmission of HCV is complicated due to inconsistent criteria for defining infection in young children. Vertical transmission has been correlated with higher maternal viral titre, an elevated alanine aminotransferase level in the year before pregnancy and the presence of maternal cirrhosis. All women with HCV infection should also be screened for HIV and chronic hepatitis B infection. As with HIV, the evidence supports both intrauterine and intrapartum transmission of HCV. A large European observational study of HCV transmission demonstrated no benefit of elective caesarian section. Women with HCV infection should be advised that unless there are other contraindications, they should consider breastfeeding their infants, but that it is not possible to totally exclude the possibility that HCV transmission could occur via this route. Unfortunately, HCV serology is not reliable during infancy because passively transferred maternal antibody may persist for up to 18 months. In these situations only, a single HCV RNA test at a minimum of two months of age. If the initial HCV RNA test proves positive, then the infant will require testing for HCV RNA and aminotransferase levels every six months to determine whether chronic infection or spontaneous clearance will ensue. If the initial HCV RNA test is negative, serology should be performed at 12 to 18 months of age to confirm seroreversion.
Answer Discussion :
Indira Sahajwala
do antibody titer,HcvRNA titre,Antibody titer means inactive infction,but HVC RNA indicates active infection.,And require management.Breast feeding should not be stopped.
14 years ago
V Karuppaswamy
at 6 months check the infant for HCV RNA and HCV Antibody and LFT.
If HCV RNA positive refer to hepatologist.
If HCV RNA neg and HCV Antibody positive repeat at 12-18 months{maternal antibody passage}
If both negative - no follow up

14 years ago
Ravi Kakkar
Do Hepatitis C Antibody at 3 months and repeat at 6 months. A chronic Hepatitis C positive would need Alfa interpheron
14 years ago
Andrew Ogum
not sure, probably do baseline for liver fonction for both and child then monitor and follow up .
14 years ago

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