Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 02 Apr 2010
dear dr.,
Ajanta pharma is marketing disomec{dioctahedral smectite} powder in sachet form for diaorrhea in children.
can u tell me wheather it can be used ,usefulness,action and side effects.
similarlry reflora r,reflora zsachet r marketed for diarrhoea in children.r they useful,can be used in infants_?
Expert Answer :
Dioctahedral smectite, a natural adsorbent clay, is capable of adsorbing viruses, bacteria, and other intestinal irritants in vitro. It is claimed to possess beneficial ‘anti-diarrhoeal’ properties. Though there have been few studies that Dioctahedral smectite seems to shorten the duration of acute watery diarrhoea and frequency of diarrhoea, larger blinded studies are required to make policy decisions.
Reflora is a probiotic. For more details on Probiotics in Diarrhea, read the article on PROBIOTICS on ww.pediatriconcall,com or from the web address given below:

ww.pediatriconcall,com, fordoctor, diarrhea, diarrhea.asp
Answer Discussion :
dr.ankur patel
yes,in chronic diarrohea or antibitic associated diarrohea. side effect can be diarrohea again,gi disturbences occur.
15 years ago
dr.charu suraiya
no unless u know properties of such powder and side effects.
15 years ago
azza soliman
it is not useful
15 years ago

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