Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 09 Apr 2012
can you please tell steps in nebulisation
with regards to position of patient , dilution of the drug , deciding the need for oxygen etc
Expert Answer :
Remove cup portion of the nebulizer. Draw up prescribed amount of the mediation in the eye dropper, Place medication in the medicine cup with 3cc normal saline. Return cup to the nebulizer
Place oxygen tubing on the nipple on the nebulizer and attach other end to the compressor or oxygen tank. Turn on the compressor or tank until mist is seen coming out of the mouthpiece. Check pulse. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth and take slow, deep breaths. If on a ventilator, the nebulizer can be placed in line in the ventilator circuit. To do this, remove the mouthpiece and connect the nebulizer between the dead space tubing and the exhalation valve assembly. During the treatment, monitor the pulse. If the pulse increases to more than 20 beats a minute, discontinue the treatment. Otherwise, continue until the medication is used up. Following the treatment, use postural drainage, percussion, assisted coughing and, or suctioning, as appropriate.

Oxygen is needed only if the child has hypoxia or can develop hypoxia during nebulization. If oxygen is not needed, then one can use compressed air.
Answer Discussion :
sitting,one fourth,pulse oximetry
13 years ago
comfartable position

normal saline

13 years ago
asma akther
Supine at 45 degree, salbutal o.5 ml diluted in 2 ml of normal saline
13 years ago
Beatriz Guiterrez
1. Dilute the drug: salbutamol 0.3cc, kg, dose {min 0.3cc} plus saline solution until 4cc.
2. Put under nebumask with oxigen to 6-8 liter per minute.
3. Put the baby in confortable position, better sit or reclined.

13 years ago
ferdiana yunita
semifowler position, dilution the nebulizer medication with normal saline, oxymetry below 90 needs oxygen
13 years ago

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