Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Apr 2002
A couple has 2issues. Both developed ascending paralysis beginning in the legs at 4 months of age and expired around 12 mts. They are planning a 3rd issue. What seems the diagnosis of the two earlier sibs and what advice can be given to the parents regarding the 3rd?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Spinal muscular atrophy, muscular myopathy.
23 years ago
duchane muscular atrophy
23 years ago
Most probably the children had a type of congenital muscular degenerative disorder. Differtial diagnosis: * spinal muscular dystrophy * congenital muscular dystrophy * infantile myasthenia gravis. Therefore it is highly probable that their third child will also have the same problem. It would be advisable to the parents to do genetic counselling. If they proceed with having a baby despite all the cautioning, they can do all the prenatal scans required if they want to but to what extent it can be help is unsure.
If the parents are broadminded enough, they should be encouraged to adopt children.

23 years ago

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