Posted On :
04 Nov 2018
a 4 year old female child presented with history of cough for the last 1.6 month.The cough is productive in nature,{white coloured sputum}.Sputum is moderate in quantity.Fever was present initially during initial part of the illness for one to two week and the child is afebrile presently.The child has received three course of antibiotics and along with bronchodilators and other supportive treatment.When the child presented to me on 16, 9, 10 there was extensive crepts and ronchi bilaterally.CXR done revealed haziness in the paracardiac region and perihilar region.CT SCAN done confirmed the above findings.There was no lymphadenopathy . Mantoux test done was negative.CBC done was inconclusive.Child improved partially on antibiotics and nebulizations with asthalin and budecort.Presently she is clinically better but cough is persisting with crepts present bilaterally and ther is post tussive vomiting also.She has not recived BCG vccine so far.What diagnosis should we think of and what other investigations should be done.There is no history of contact but ther is history of weight loss but the child is not malnourished.