Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Sep 2005
6years male presents with exertional dyspnea,no cyanosis. Ecg and Echo plus clinical exam prove pulmonary stenosis. How to follow and manage such case?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
balloon dilatation
19 years ago
Dr. M Natarajan
19 years ago
Naveed Ur Rehman
Refere to Paediatric cardiologist for cardiac catheterization and in the light of these findings treatment is directed either medical or surgical
19 years ago
Michele P. Monaco
If there is true exertional dyspnea and the physical and Doppler examination demonstrates the presence of a significant pulmonary gradient it is a clear indication for intervention. Unless there is an obvious dyplastic pulmonary valve then the use of pulmonary balloon valvotomy would be appropriate. If the valve is dysplastic then balloon valvotomy may be ineffective and the family counselled that surgery will likely be necessary. Dyspnea in the presence of pulmonary valve stenosis would not be expected unless there it is severe pulmonary stenosis which can be present without cyanosis.
19 years ago
meenal lakshmanan
what is th3 severity of stenosis? any evidencece of heart failure.?
if severe refer to cardisthoracic surgeon for repair of stenosis

19 years ago

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