Spot Diagnosis

Bronchogenic cyst

Question :
Spot diagnosis

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
Bronchogenic cyst. Bronchogenic cysts are lesions of congenital origin derived from the primitive foregut and are the most common primary cysts of the mediastinum. Most frequently unilocular, they contain clear fluid or, less commonly, hemorrhagic secretions or air. CT of bronchogenic cysts typically shows sharply marginated mediastinal masses of soft-tissue or water attenuation. Most appear cystic. A minority appear solid. Although some bronchogenic cysts are asymptomatic and are incidental findings upon radiography, most cysts are symptomatic—and complications are more common in symptomatic patients. The most frequent symptoms are cough, fever, pain, and dyspnea. Tracheobronchial compression and pulmonary infections can occur in children because of the relatively soft tracheobronchial tree. Treatment consists of complete extirpation, with ligation of the point of attachment to the patent bronchus.

Correct Answers : yes  10%

Last Shown : Dec 2007
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