Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Nov 2019
5-month-old female child, developmentally normal for her age having small anterior fontanel {admits index finger tip} with mild ridging of the coronal suture. birth history- FT LSCS i, v, o failure of induction, uneventful. At present, her head circumference is 41cm and length 64 cm. my query is what effect can be of her small fontanel on her further development and what advice could be given. please do give your expert opinion. thanks
Expert Answer :
Keep a watch on the head circumference. If the suture closes early, it may cause pressure on the brain and proptosis of eyes and even raised ICT.
Answer Discussion :
Shyam bhagat
the size of AF varies to a large extent
so if the development and HC is normal.. no need to worry..

5 years ago
abhishek kumar
Till now her H.C is normal and since AF is open so no impact on development AF gets closed earliest by 9 months and latest by 18 month
5 years ago

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