Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 01 Sep 2006
13 year male child present with ataxia for one month after falling in bathroom. He is known case of medulloblastoma operated at 4years plus shunt operation followed by chemotherapy. After the fall he was referred to his neurosurgeon who arrange CATscan and told them it is negative. Do you think any relation between the fall and ataxia? Or it is recurrence of the tumor? What is the next step?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Dr Sachin Murade
its recurrence
18 years ago
Dr. Shilpi Gupta
WHAT is meant by a negative ct.
18 years ago
18 years ago
CAT Scan negative for what ? If it is normal I assume there is no bleeding,hydrocephalus,or posterior fossa mass.
It is very difficult to say from your question as to what is the relation between fall and ataxia { I feel}.
Sudden onset fall was it followed by weakness of one limb or paucity of movement. { catstrophic events normally suggests vascular events, but residual deficits will be present}.
If it is fall without any weakness, does he have any urinary incontinence { could suggest hydrocephalus}.
It would be very enlightening if you could let us know about neurological examination.
does he have any other signs of brain stem dysfunction?
does he have any signs of myeloradiculopathy { spinal mets are seen in child with medulloblastoma}.
Does he have any signs of peripheral neuropathy also { spinocerebellar tract involvement}?
Did he have any signs of vestibular disturbance?
i would really appreciate if you can keep us posted about follow ups.

18 years ago
What is the status of the hydrocepahlus? Is the shunt functioning well. One may consider a D-D of recurrence of tumor, increasing hydrocephalus as possible causes. Else it may be unrelated.
18 years ago

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