Pfizer-BioNTech announce promising results of the Covid19 vaccine clinical trials in 12-15 years old

Dr.Reepa Agrawal
Pfizer-BioNTech announce promising results of the Covid19 vaccine clinical trials in 12-15 years old 01 Apr, 2021

The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine BNT162b2 clinical trial in 12 -15-year-old enrolled 2,260 participants in U.S. According to their press release on 31 March 2021, the Phase 3 of vaccine trial has shown 100% efficacy and robust antibody response in the age group of 12-15 years. The mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine was used in the participants with or without prior Covid-19 infection.

They claim that there were 18 symptomatic Covid-19 cases in placebo group (consisted of 1129 participants) and none in the vaccinated group (consisted of 1131 participants). The neutralizing antibodies (Geometric Mean titre of 1,239.5) was higher as compared to those seen in 16-25 years old (Geometric Mean titre of 705.1) one month after the second dose. The side effects observed till now were similar to those seen the earlier study with the 16-25 years old. The participants of 12-15 years old study will be followed for 2 years more.

Well, it is not revealed yet whether this vaccine prevents asymptomatic Covid-19 infection or not. Neither the efficacy against variants have been revealed. However, the data is yet to be submitted for peer review (scientific) hence more details are awaited. For emergency authorization by FDA (Food and Drug Association) and EMA ( European Medical Agency) the data will be submitted soon. Above 16 years old , the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine has emergency authorization by FDA and EMA.

The vaccine trial by Pfizer-BioNTech in 6 months- 11 years have started last week. The clinical vaccine trials by Moderna , Oxford AstraZeneca in adolescents and kids are ongoing. Johnson n Johnson will also start testing its vaccine in younger age groups.

These promising results makes one helpful of the 12 -15-year-olds might getting the jab around the beginning of the next school year.

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