ISSN - 0973-0958

Pediatric Oncall Journal View Article

HIV in India: A Situational Analysis
Noella Maria Delia Pereira.
Pediatric Centre of Excellence for HIV Care, Department of Pediatrics, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College & General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India.
HIV is a country with third largest population of people living with HIV. Key populations responsible for transmission include sex workers, injectable drug users, men having sex with men and transgenders. Identifying states in India with the highest prevalence of people living with HIV as well as deaths related to HIV is important in deciding which states need measures to reduce the transmission of HIV and deaths due to AIDS. Allocating funds to reduce transmission from key populations to the general population as well as increasing awareness through education, screening for HIV through index testing and prevention of mother to child transmission are essential to reduce the incidence of people living with HIV as well as to reach the universal target of 95-95-95.
Why this article important?
It is important to highlight the various issues leading to the high incidence of HIV and aim to reduce the incidence through strategies such as education about U=U to eliminate stigma and discrimination, safe sex practices, promoting sexual and reproductive health to prevent unwanted pregnancies as well as prevention of mother to child transmission. Addressing the issues concerning key populations such as injecting drug users, pregnant mothers, female sex workers, men having sex with men and transgenders can lead to a reduction in the incidence of HIV as well as prevent deaths due to AIDS with prompt initiation of anti-retroviral therapy.
Summary of article
This research letter depicts in the disparity in the prevalence of HIV in the different states of India as well as recommendations for funding and strategies to achieve the 95-95-95 target. It discusses the reasons for the high incidence in HIV as well as the mother to child transmission. Addressing these concerns can help reduce the incidence of HIV and eliminate stigma and discrimination through education, screening and prompt treatment. It also addresses strategies such advocacy for U=U and PrEP and education about sexual and reproductive health among young people to prevent the spread of HIV among the general population.

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