The mission of Pediatric Oncall Journal is to provide primary care providers and all clinicians involved in the care of pediatric patients with information on advances and state-of-the-art care for pediatrics. All submissions to Pediatric Oncall Journal will be reviewed by the editorial team and considered for publication if they contain information that would be helpful to the journal's readership. All articles, whether invited or submitted, should be written with pediatricians in mind as the main audience.
How can I submit an article to the journal?
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Manuscripts may be submitted via https://www.pediatriconcall.com/pediatric-journal/article/submit-details. Before submitting an article, please review the information below and click on the appropriate link for further instructions related to the content and format of the article you wish to submit. Once you have submitted your manuscript, the review process generally takes 4–6 weeks. Failure to follow the manuscript preparation and submission instructions may delay the review process.
Manuscript Preparation
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Information provided here on manuscript preparation and formatting is based, in part, on the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals” as published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). For any information that is not mentioned in this guideline, authors should refer to the ICMJE Recommendations.
Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for publication in both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers.
General Formatting
All articles should be written in English and correctly formatted according to the guidelines outlined below. All text should be double-spaced. Line numbers and page numbers on each page are required to make it easier for reviewers to provide comments
Title Page
The title page should be prepared separately from the main document and must include the following information:
• Title of the manuscript
• Full names of all authors
• Institutional affiliations of all authors, including city and country location of an author’s institution.
• Corresponding author’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address
• Acknowledgements
Main Document
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Preparation of manuscripts
For each Article Type, authors must organize and order their content using the following formats:
Aspiring for article submission:
Type of Article
Abstract and Key Words
Word Limit (not include references)
Configuration of the Article
Page/Stature/Table Limits/References
no more than 250 words
no more than 3000 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References
No Page, Figures(5), Table(5) or reference limits
Conference Abstracts
no more than 500 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Presented in, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion
No Page, Figure(1), Table(1) or reference limits(5)
no more than 250 words
no more than 1000 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Abstract, Keywords, Case Presentation, Discussion/Conclusion, References
No Page, Figures(2), Tables(2) or reference limits(10)
no more than 500 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Text narration, References
No Page, Figure(1), Table(1) or reference limits(5)
no more than 500 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Keywords, Case Presentation with image, Question, Discussion/Conclusion, References
No Page, Figures(2), Tables(2) or reference limits(5)
no more than 800 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Clinical Problem, Question, Expert Opinion, References
No Page, Figure(1), Table(1) or reference limits(5)
no more than 300 words
Designation (Title), Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Book Title & Author, Review.
N/A: Not applicable
All measurements should follow the International System of Units (SI).
Do not include the abbreviations in the title.
Do not use the specific brand names of drugs, devices, and other products and services, unless it is essential to the discussion.
Tables and Figures
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Figures should be submitted JPEG(.jpg) format. Tables are required to be in articles MS Word (.docx) file. Scanned images of line art will not be accepted – please supply in the original file format. All figure titles and legends should not be embedded in the submitted image – please supply this information separately in the manuscript.
If any copyrighted or previously published material, edited or otherwise, are used in the manuscript, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain the permission from the copyright owner(s) prior to making a submission.
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The authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references. The References section should follow immediately after the conclusion of the main text. Authors must cite references in the text in the order of their appearance, showing the citations as superscripts (for example, show in superscript1). If there are more than three authors, name only the first three authors and then use “et al.”
Conflicts of Interest and Sources of Funding
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According to the ICMJE Recommendations, a conflict of interest (COI) exists “when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain).”
All authors are required to disclose any financial relations, activities, relationships and affiliations that exist, or have existed, in the 36 months prior to submission with any commercial organizations, groups, institutions, or any other entities that has any interest in the subject matter, materials, or process(es) discussed in the manuscript. This includes but is not limited to: Research support (including research funding and provision of equipment or materials), Honoraria (such as lecture fees), Consulting, Employment, Promotional fees, Advisory or directing role, Stock and share ownership, Patent/licensing fees, Travel and accommodation expenses, Any other financial, institutional or personal relationships.
If there are none, the authors should state “The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest” on the title page.
All sources of funding from entities such as government or non-profit organizations, which are relevant to the study, should be acknowledged on the title page under the heading “Sources of Funding.”
You must use the following word format to describe any funding: “This work was supported by [name of funder] grant number [xxx]”.
You must ensure that the full, correct, details of your funder(s) and any relevant grant numbers are included.
Manuscript Submission
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Manuscripts may only be submitted electronically via the journal’s Submission Center system: https://www.pediatriconcall.com/pediatric-journal/article/submit-details
All files must be submitted in the following order: 1) Title Page, 2) Main Document, 3) Tables, and Figures (≥300 dpi) 4) Copyright Form ,5) Any additional files. The total size of the uploaded files should be within 100 MB. Upon submission, the manuscript will be automatically checked for plagiarism, and can be sent back to the corresponding author if the plagiarism rate is 30% or higher. Pediatric Oncall Journal utilizes the iThenticate plagiarism screening service to determine both text overlap and manuscript originality. More information on this service, and opportunities for authors to pre-screen their work, can be found at www.ithenticate.com.
In general, the manuscript submission will not be accepted for publication: Reports on individual studies intended for publication as a series, non-critical and descriptive literature reviews, and reprints or translations of articles already published whether in print or electronically.
Notification of manuscript submission will be sent by e-mail to all authors listed in the manuscript.