ISSN - 0973-0958

Pediatric Oncall Journal View Article

Case Report of Meningitis in A Premature Neonate Due to Rare Issolate, Pantoea Dispersa
Durbha Raja Lasya, Prashant Udavant, Shraddha Sanjay Satav.
Department of Paediatrics, Ruby hall clinic, Pune, India.
Pantoea genus belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae.It is known to cause opputunistic infections in immunocompromised hosts.However, Pantoea infections in neonates have been infrequently reported, especially Pantoea dispersa.
In the light of emerging multidrug resistance, it becomes imperative for the neonatologist to understand the patterns of sensitivity of Pantoea to various antimicrobials.Recent advances in microbiology like MALDI-TOF help us identifying such bacteria.Early identification helps to initiate early antimicrobial therapy, which ahs shown to improve outcomes in neonated with Pantoea dispersa infection.Here, we report a case of meningitis in a preterm neonate caused by Pantoea dispersa. Both CSF culture and Blood culture showed Pantoea dispersa growth and neonate showed improvement after antibiotic therapy.
Why this article important?
Neonatal meningitis is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity. Various Gram negative bacteria have been known to cause neonatal meningitis. But only a few cases have been reported where Pantoea dispersa is the causative organism. In the case described here, the clinical features and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern have been observed to be different from what was observed previously. This will help in treating doctors to assess and identify such cases. Due to limited numberof cases reported, it becomes imperative to understand and be able to identify the clinical features and anticipate the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns for early recognition and prompt treatment.
Summary of article
This is a case report about a multidrug resistant organism that belongs to Enterobacteriaceae. Pantoea dispersa isolated in CSF in a preterm neonate. Neonatal meningitis due to gram negative organisms is widely reported only a few cases have been reported of this organism, Pantoea dispersa causing meningitis in neonates.This case report will give a summary of the clinical details, laboratory investigations and discusses about the antibiotic susceptibility patterns in organism isolated. Difference in antibiotic susceptibility has been observed in this case in comparison to the previous cases that were reported. This might suggest an emerging antibiotic resistance which will need further analysis. This will further guide in early recognition and treatment.

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