ISSN - 0973-0958

Pediatric Oncall Journal View Article

Trichobezoar: the importance of a multidisciplinary approach
Catarina Macedo Francisco1, Pedro Pereira2, Íris Santos Silva1, Pedro Fernandes1, António P. Pissarra3.
1Pediatrics Department, Hospital Sousa Martins, Guarda, Portugal,
2General surgery Department, Hospital Sousa Martins, Guarda, Portugal,
3Medical Imaging Department, Hospital Sousa Martins, Guarda, Portugal.
Abdominal pain is one of the most common causes of Hospital admission;
nevertheless, a thorough investigation should always be performed.
We present the case report of a 14-year-old girl, institutionalized and with history of Psychiatric disease, admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) due to intense abdominal pain in the context of obstipation, a condition already known in this patient.
Due to worsening of her complaints, she was hospitalized and the final diagnostic was only possible with the collaboration between different specialties – Pediatrics, Radiology and General Surgery.
The etiology revealed to be quite serious and so adequate treatment was rapidly performed.
Why this article important?
The authors consider the article "Trichobezoar: the importance of a multidisciplinary approach", interesting for publication in the "Pediatric Oncall Journal" due to the richness of its images, both the records of the imaging diagnostic exams (CT scan) and for the photographic records obtained during and after the surgery, of the trichobezoar. We consider that, since this is a rare etiology that physicians do not see everyday on their daily clinical practice, it is important to sensitize healthcare professionals (especially young interns) so that they have this diagnosis in mind when approaching a patient with a rather common complaint. The collaboration among different specialties is also an important feature of this clinical case.
Summary of article
I, Catarina Macedo Francisco, Pediatric resident, on behalf of all authors, submit the article Tricobezoar: the importance of a multidisciplinary approach" for acceptance for publication by the journal “Pediatric Oncall Journal”. This article describes the clinical case of a young woman with an apparently frequent and easily tratable complaint, that turned out to be peculiar and very serious, with a poor prognosis if not treated in a timely manner. In this clinical case, the patient also had a poor background, as she did not have a family structure, was institutionalized, and suffer from psychiatric disorder. Fortunately for the patient, the correct diagnosis and treatment were performed.

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