ISSN - 0973-0958

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An unusual case of spontaneous staphylococcal scalp abscess in a newborn : A case report
Prashanth RR, Anitha Haribalakrishna, Shweta Mhatre.
Department of Neonatology, Seth G.S. Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Neonatal scalp abscess is an unusual complication which occurs due to infection of cephalhematoma, infection of the scalp laceration caused by traumatic delivery or may even occur spontaneously. We illustrate a case of spontaneous scalp abscess in a 26 day old neonate caused by methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infection with no other complications and which had good recovery following treatment. Prompt recognition of scalp abscess, isolating the causative organism, ruling out associated complications, intravenous antibiotics and appropriate wound care are the key aspects of management.
Why this article important?
Prompt recognition of scalp abscess, isolating the causative organism, ruling out associated complications, intravenous antibiotics and appropriate wound care are the key aspects of successful management. A benign condition like neonatal scalp abscess if not managed appropriately leads to dreadful complications like osteomyelitis and brain abscess. This case illustrates the importance of a good clinical examination, appropriate and relevant investigations and treatment as per culture and sensitivity. Neonatal scalp abscess when investigated, anticipating complications and treating in a case based methodical way like other neonatal conditions results in a near total recovery. Hygiene at home by care givers is equally important in preventing this condition. This manuscript also highlights the role of multidisciplinary care of these neonates and collaboration of various investigative modalities in diagnosing and treating this condition.
Summary of article
We illustrate a case of spontaneous scalp abscess in a 26 day old neonate caused by methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infection with no other complications and had good recovery following treatment. This case illustrates that prompt identification of the causative organism, choosing antibiotics based culture and sensitivity enables early and complete recovery and reduces the chances of complications. A detailed head examination at admission and before discharge is important to rule of common causes of scalp swelling and importance of hygiene needs to be re-emphasised at each health care visit. The changing paradigm of aetiology of neonatal scalp basis and its complication has been detailed in this case report and a review on the available literature on scalp abscess has been done.

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