All Grand Rounds

Cold agglutinin syndrome associated with a pediatric severe systemic Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
Sara Geitoeira, Inês Paiva Ferreira, Ana Lachado, Lurdes Morais, Paula Cristina Fernandes, Emília Costa, Esmeralda Cleto, Isabel Couto Guerra
A healthy 14-year-old boy presented to the emergency department with a 3-day history of fever, dry cough, sore throat and dizziness. On physical examination, peripheral oxygen saturation was 84% (FiO2....
Twins with Tuberculous Abscesses in the Left Thigh Vaccination Site - Is it BCG or Mycobacterium Tuberculosis?
Dhruv Gandhi, Aditi Gupta, Shatakshi Garg, Zahabiya Nalwalla, Ira Shah
Patient 1, a 3-month-old girl, born preterm in March 2024 at 34 weeks and 4 days with a birth weight of 1.9 kg, was the first-born twin. She was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for....
An infant with seizures with positive human herpes virus 6 on multiplex PCR and positive herpes simplex virus 1 on uniplex PCR - How to interpret?
Ramsha Ansari, Aditi Gupta, Zahabiya Nalwalla, Ira Shah
A 6 month old boy presented in May 2024 with fever, cough and cold for 10 days along with generalized tonic clonic convulsions on day 8 of fever followed by excessive irritability and refusal to feed.....
Asymptomatic Congenital Parvovirus infection in a neonate born to an asymptomatic mother with Parvovirus infection in the third trimester - Management issues
Zahabiya Nalwalla, Ramsha Ansari, Tsering Yangchen Dirkhipa, Forum Shah, Amol Pawar, Ira Shah
A 29 year old primigravida (G1P1L0A0) was admitted to the hospital following a spontaneous rupture of membrane at 38 weeks of gestation. Antenatal ultrasound (USG) scan at 30+5 weeks of gestation show....
Cheek cysticercosis - To Treat or Not to Treat
Dhruv Gandhi, Shatakshi Garg, Zahabiya Nalwalla, Balagopal Kurup, Tejas Athalye, Sunita Sharma, Ira Shah
A 14-year-old boy presented with a painless, progressively enlarging right cheek swelling for six months. There was no fever or trauma. He had a mixed dietary pattern. On examination, there was a soli....
Successful Recovery from HHV-6 Encephalitis in an Immunocompetent Child
Vaidehi Mehta, Suhani Jain, Meenakshi Dey, Ira Shah
A 2-year-old female child presented with a 10 day history of persistent fever and an episode of paroxysmal event on the 1st day of illness. Her family history was unremarkable and vaccinations were up....
Discordance Between Xpert MTB/RIF Assay and Line Probe Assay- How to Interpret?
Dhruv Gandhi, Aditi Gupta, Zahabiya Nalwalla, Ira Shah
A 2-year-old boy presented with a progressively enlarging painful swelling over the right cheek for 8 days. It was associated with fever. There was no facial trauma, toothache, dysphagia, neck swellin....
Polymicrobial infection in immunocompromised host - How to manage?
Meenakshi Dey, Suhani Jain, Ira Shah
A 2 year 9 month old male suffering from STAT1 gain of function mutation on whole exome sequencing diagnosed at the age of 6 months in view of recurrent pneumonia presented to us with fever and cough ....
Discordance between mycobacterial tuberculosis whole genome sequencing and phenotypic drug sensitivity - How to interpret
Meenakshi Dey, Suhani Jain, Ira Shah
A 14-year-old female presented in August with complaints of cough, easy fatiguability, shortness of breath for the past 2-3 months. She also had a 6.5 kg weight loss in the past 8 months and no menstr....
Hereditary Spherocytosis with splenectomy in a Pregnant Woman - How to manage the immunizations?
Tsering Yangchen Dirkhipa, Suhani Jain, Meenakshi Dey, Ira Shah
A 38 year old female, G3P1L1A1 at 31+4 weeks of gestation with expected date of delivery in February 2024 and a known case of hereditary spherocytosis with splenectomy done 11 years back in 2012 (at 1....
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