Sun Screen Preparation
Synonym :
Para-Amino Benzoic acid
Mechanism :
These agents absorb harmful UV radiations (290-320nm) and protect the skin from the exposure to sunlight. These preparations can be of two types:
1. Chemical agents: e.g. Benzophenones
2. Physical agents: These are opaque preparations, which reflect most of the UV radiations. e.g. Titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, kaolin.
Indication :
- Preventing sunburn and protecting against skin damage from ultraviolet (UV) light.
Contraindications :
Dosing :
As and when needed, apply gently to the skin.
Adverse Effect :
Photosensitization with chemical agents, skin irritation, acne.
Interaction :
No known interactions found.
Hepatic Dose :
No dosage adjustments are recommended.