Drug Index

Ammonium Lactate

Mechanism :

Alpha hydroxy acids & their salts are felt to act as humectants when applied on skin, thus increasing skin moisture and it also decreases epidermal keratinization.

Indication :

  • Ichthyosis Vulgaris
  • Xerosis

Contraindications :


Caution to be exercised when using it over skin abrasions and for use on the face.

Dosing :

<12 years:
Safety and efficacy not established.
>12 years:
Apply on the affected area and rub thoroughly every 12 hours.

Adverse Effect :

Hypersensitivity, erythema, transient burning/stinging, peeling, dry skin, itching, ocular stinging, hyperpigmentation.

Interaction :

No serious drug interactions however caution is advised when using multiple medications.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/26/2024 05:24:08 Ammonium Lactate
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