Diagnostic Dilemma

Congenital TB

A 3 months old boy had been started on antituberculous therapy {ATT} consisting of Isoniazid , Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide since birth as mother was diagnosed to have pulmonary TB one day prior to delivery. The child was born at near term with birth weight of 1.7 kg and was thriving well {current weight = 5.7 kg}. He developed fever after one month of ATT. At that time Chest X-Ray showed superior mediastinal widening. He was given Prednisolone {1 mg, kg, day for 5 days} in suspicion of paradoxical reaction to which he responded. Currently the child is asymptomatic. On examination, there was no abnormality detected.

Should the anti TB treatment be continued_?
Expert Opinion :
In this patient, he was suspected to have Paradoxical Reaction. ATT was continued for 6 months.
Answer Discussion :
SALEH braik
Now do tuberculin test.. if test positive continue ATT. until 6month ..if test negative stop ATT and give BCG.
10 years ago
mohamed mohamed
Yes contenioue use anti tuberculous
10 years ago

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