Glucose Infusion Rate (GIR) Calculator

Glucose infusion rate is the rate which determines the level of sugar in the body.

Body weight
Dextrose Concentration
Infusion rate
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GIR calculator is a measure of counting the amount of carbohydrates a patient receives. It is a vital component which is largely responsible for carrying out cellular functions. Glucose Infusion Rate (GIR) is a formative, analytical method of calculation which is defined and expressed in terms of milligrams of glucose per kilogram body weight per minute (mg/kg/min).
Glucose infusion rate can be calculated through following equation:

GIR = (Concentration, g/100 mL) x (Infusion rate, mL/hr) x (1000) / (Weight, kg) x (60 min/hr)

Parameters of GIR Calculator:
The parameters considered in calculating the GIR formula is the patient’s body weight, height and gender. The concentration and the infusion rate are calculated from the dextrose source in % and mL/hr, respectively. The formula is used to calculate the GIR in children as well.
The body weight can be calculated easily
  • The height of the new-born child is calculated through the children height predictor
  • The predictor uses parameters like genetics mother and father’s height
  • The average of the genetic heights of the parents is calculated by
    • Adding two and a half inches to that average to know the boy’s height
    • Subtracting two and a half inches from the average to know the girl’s height
The formula is a universal GIR formula which is applicable for all humans.
Neonatal Hyperglycaemia occurs due to low sugar level in infants when total GIR is less than 4mg/kg/min. It occurs when the plasma level goes less than 30 mg/dL in the first 24 hours of the new-born. If it goes less than 45 mg/dL after 24 hours of life of a new-born, then the case of hypoglycaemia is certain to arrive. This is not a serious issue. It is a common problem that occurs in new-born due to metabolic issues. Other reason of its occurrence is poor nutrition of mother during pregnancy, high insulin level in mother if she has poorly controlled diabetes, birth asphyxia and liver infection.

Low glucose levels in the body can result in neurological disorders. Blood glucose in neonates can be tested in a multiple way. A glucose reagent strip can be used to screen hypoglycaemia. If the values come out to be lower than the normal, the blood sample should be sent to the lab for confirmation of values by glucose oxidation or glucose electrode method. However, the treatment should be started just when the presence of hypoglycaemia is detected. It should not be delayed till the lab results come.

The treatment of neonatal hypoglycaemia is subjective in nature. It depends upon the gestational age of the baby and its health after delivery. The instant treatment includes feeding a source of glucose along with water. If it is not possible to give the dose of glucose orally, the dextrose infusion is done through IV in the baby. After this treatment, blood glucose level is checked to see if glucose level has regained to normal.
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