Knee Pain in a Teenager #casestudy #clinicalcase #pediatrichealth #journal

print 10/23/2024 05:35:09 A 13-years-old teenager presented with recurrent pain and swelling in the right knee. He suffered from recurrent pain that usually appeared in the evening after a sporting activity (football) that had been going on for about a year. There was no trauma. On examination, there was palpable, localized, non-crepitus swelling in the right tibial tuberosity below the right knee with no limitations of movement. The teenager walked normally but with pain. A standard knee X-ray showed fragmentation of the anterior tibial tuberosity with thickening of the opposite soft tissue.

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PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members.

Knee Pain in a Teenager #casestudy #clinicalcase #pediatrichealth #journal

A 13-years-old teenager presented with recurrent pain and swelling in the right knee. He suffered from recurrent pain that usually appeared in the evening after a sporting activity (football) that had been going on for about a year. There was no trauma. On examination, there was palpable, localized, non-crepitus swelling in the right tibial tuberosity below the right knee with no limitations of movement. The teenager walked normally but with pain. A standard knee X-ray showed fragmentation of the anterior tibial tuberosity with thickening of the opposite soft tissue.

What is the Diagnosis?

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PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members.
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