4 Vessels Umbilical Cord! Rare Medical Case! | Pediatric Oncall

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VNB3XBE9ZVw/mqdefault.jpg 02/25/2025 04:20:06 A preterm girl was born at 34 weeks of gestation by vaginal delivery to primigravida mother aged 24 years. The baby weighed 2 kg at birth. The cause of preterm delivery was premature onset of labor pains. Baby cried immediately after birth. On routine general examination, it was found that umbilical cord had 4 blood vessels instead of routine 2 umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein (Figure 1). Other physical examination was normal. Ultrasound abdomen and echocardiography was normal. The hospital course was uneventful.
Which are the four vessel umbilical cord anomalies commonly seen?

*Discussion: *

PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members.

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4 Vessels Umbilical Cord! Rare Medical Case! | Pediatric Oncall

A preterm girl was born at 34 weeks of gestation by vaginal delivery to primigravida mother aged 24 years. The baby weighed 2 kg at birth. The cause of preterm delivery was premature onset of labor pains. Baby cried immediately after birth. On routine general examination, it was found that umbilical cord had 4 blood vessels instead of routine 2 umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein (Figure 1). Other physical examination was normal. Ultrasound abdomen and echocardiography was normal. The hospital course was uneventful.
Which are the four vessel umbilical cord anomalies commonly seen?

*Discussion: *

PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members.

#FourVesselCord #UmbilicalAnomalies #PediatricCases #MedicalRarities #neonatalcare #ObstetricsCases #PediatricRadiology #MedicalEducation #MedTwitter #RareCaseStudy #PrenatalDiagnosis #FetalAnomalies #MedicalUltrasound
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