Dr. Ira Shah : Introduction to Mantoux test | Pediatric Oncall

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CzD9x-yNChk/mqdefault.jpg 07/31/2015 08:53:59 Dr. Ira Shah explain to us Mantoux test in detail.
The video explains the following:
- Diagnosis of Tuberculosis and the base for treatment in children and adults.
- Tuberculin Skin Test TST
- Principal of Mantoux test and the Problems with Mantoux test
- False-negative Mantoux
- Which TU unit to use and how to do Mantoux test
- What to consider as positive TT
- Till how long can BCG give positive Mantoux
- Sensitivity and specificity of Mantoux test
- TST readings as per different
- Repeat of Mantoux test
- Newer tests - Quantiferon test, T SPOT
- Advantage and disadvantage of IGRAs
- Main points in conclusion
- Practical problems in TST
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Also, check out Dr. Ira Shah | H1N1 Influenza

Dr. Ira Shah : Introduction to Mantoux test | Pediatric Oncall

Dr. Ira Shah explain to us Mantoux test in detail.
The video explains the following:
- Diagnosis of Tuberculosis and the base for treatment in children and adults.
- Tuberculin Skin Test TST
- Principal of Mantoux test and the Problems with Mantoux test
- False-negative Mantoux
- Which TU unit to use and how to do Mantoux test
- What to consider as positive TT
- Till how long can BCG give positive Mantoux
- Sensitivity and specificity of Mantoux test
- TST readings as per different
- Repeat of Mantoux test
- Newer tests - Quantiferon test, T SPOT
- Advantage and disadvantage of IGRAs
- Main points in conclusion
- Practical problems in TST
For more info visit our WEBSITE Pediatric Oncall: https://www.pediatriconcall.com/
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Also, check out Dr. Ira Shah | H1N1 Influenza
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