Spot Diagnosis

Supraventricular tachycardia

Question :
A 6 month old child presented with a history of cough, irritability, breathlessness and poor feeding. Clinically child had mild fever. Respiratory rate is 54 , min and tachycardia , heart rate of 230 , min .
On auscultation child had prominent S3 gallop.

What is the ECG showing

Discussion :
1} HR-250, min {2} ‘P’ is not seen easily occasionally seen merged with with T wave. Rhythm regular. Absence of ‘p” differentiates it from sinus tachycardia. QRS is not widened i.e. narrow QRS tachycardia suggestive of supraventricular tachycardia probably proximal to bifurcation of bundle of axis.
Diagnosis – Supraventricular tachycardia {SVT}
SVT -Abnormal rhythm resulting from ectopic focus in atria or AV node, or from accessory conduction pathways. Characterized by varying P-wave shape and abnormal P-wave axis. QRS morphology is usually normal
Cause -Most commonly idiopathic but may be seen in congenial heart disease {e.g., Ebstein’s anomaly, transposition}
Treatment –
If child stable - Vagal maneuvers and, or IV Adenosine {0.1- 0.2 mg, kg} as bolus `
If child unstable, needs immediate synchronized cardioversion {0.5 j, kg up to 1 j, kg}.

E-published: September 2007 Vol 4 Issue 9, Art # 39

Correct Answers : yes  61%

Last Shown : Aug 2007
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