Spot Diagnosis

Pedal Deformity

Seema Sharma1, Vipin Sharma2
1Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Kangra -Tanda, Himachal Pradesh, India, 2Department of Orthopedics, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Kangra -Tanda, Himachal Pradesh, India

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Seema Sharma, House no.23, Block-B, TypeV, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical College and Hospital Campus, Kangra at Tanda {H.P.} India- 176001.
Question :
Spot Diagnosis.

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
Eight toed polydactyly of foot is a rare congenital anomaly. It can occur as an isolated entity or as a syndromic presentation. This was a one year old child who presented with unilateral preaxial eight toed polydactyly of right foot. Accessory tarsal bones were present. Eight fully formed metatarsals were found articulating with eight completely formed phalangeal units. No associated syndactyly, macrodactyly, angulation or contracture was noted. No other congenital deformity in any other body part was found. The desired treatment in such a patient is excision of excess rays and reconstruction of ligaments and musculotendinous units and achieving skin coverage by residual skin or a free flap.

Competing interests:- None stated
Last Updated: 1st March 2011 Vol 8 Issue 3 Art # 19

Correct Answers : yes  0%

Last Shown : Feb 2011
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