Spot Diagnosis

Inflammatory myositis of neck

Question :
This 2 year old boy presented with stiff neck and fever for 15 days. His posterior neck muscles as well as mastication muscles are hard to feel.

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
Inflammatory myositis of neck. Inflammatory myositis is an extremely rare benign inflammatory condition of skeletal muscle. It usually affects the extremities, and rarely the head and neck region. This child has myositis of the neck muscles, jaw muscles and sternocelidomastoid muscle. It presents as a rapidly enlarging intra muscular mass with no previous history of trauma. The aetiology of focal myositis is unknown. Various theories, including viral infection, denervating processes and ischaemic necrosis of muscle, have been suggested, but not established.

Correct Answers : yes  7%

Last Shown : Oct 2008
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