Sachin Gajanan Damke, Bhavana Lakhkar, Nitin Borkar Department of Pediatrics, JNMC, ABVR Hospital, Sawangi, Maharashtra, India
Address for Correspondence: Dr Sachin Gajanan Damke, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, JNMC, AVBR hospital, Sawangi, Maharashtra, India. Email:
Discussion :
Cloacal exstrophy. It is a rare anomaly with no sex predilection. The defect occurs as an abnormal large cloacal membrane gives way before the urorectal septum has partitioned the cloacal pouch, thus, the cloaca itself exstrophies, resulting in two half of the exstrophised bladder separated by exstrophised ileocecal bowel area. On the rostral side, the ileum prolapses appearing as a long proboscis of small bowel mucosa. Inferiorly an orifice leads to a blind ending and short colonic segment. It may be associated with multiple anomalies. Management is primarily surgical.
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Last Shown : Mar 2012